Support + Maintenance + MDK12 + Report Card.

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has tasked ZDAAS to support MSDE websites that provide resources to help schools analyze and use their data to improve instruction and student achievement. ZDAAS currently provides information technology (IT) resources to support a highly technical website/ database Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and support services to implement reporting requirements of the “No Child Left Behind” (NCLB) Act within the Department’s existing Report Card website. This requires the support and maintenance of two websites for the MSDE:

  • MDK12 website – The MDK12 website was created to help schools analyze their State assessment data and guide them in making data-based instructional decisions that would support improved performance for all students.
  • MD Report Card website – This report contains detailed information on the state and its 24 Local School Systems (LSS).

ZDASS staff are onsite providing a range of support to an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) team that is responsible for all the activities required to keep the sites running on a single backend SQL database that lies behind both websites.

Project Key Information

The EntityThe agency/departmentAwarded
State of MarylandMaryland State Department of Education (MSDE)October 1, 2014 | Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Subcontractor